Give your

a suite of self-help tools to drive their career success.

CareerPrepped® helps you easily support your skilled talent whenever they need a hand. Our tools help them highlight their skills, secure their dream jobs, and grow their careers.

CareerPrepped - Talent Developers

Help them compete in an AI-world.

CareerPrepped - Talent Developers - AI

In today's world, AI can easily write cover letters and craft generic resumes that look alike. It's becoming harder for employers to gauge a person's true abilities.

And as AI advances, human skills like communication and teamwork are in higher demand in the workforce.

Today's talent must prove their applied skills and highlight their human skills better than the competition to land the jobs they want.

Our tools help you tackle these problems and more. They enable your institution to show it's the best place to find skilled talent in today's AI-driven job market.

Help them showcase their skills.

CareerPrepped - Talent Developers - Showcase their skills

Make it easy for your skilled talent to prove their skills to the world and keep a lifelong record of their skills as they grow their careers.

As a member of CareerPrepped's supportive community, they can ask peers, educators, and industry pros for feedback on how well they've proven their skills.

With feedback, they can learn their strengths and where they need to level up. This helps them ensure their skills are visible and recognized by employers.

They also get tools to enhance and highlight their "human skills" - the essential skills all employers want.

Help them stand out in the crowd.

CareerPrepped - Talent Developers - Stand out in the crowd

Enable your skilled talent to stand out beyond a basic resume or profile. CareerPrepped gives them a complete Career Site with multiple pages to showcase their skills and achievements.

And with a single click, they can turn their Career Site into an interactive resume with clickable links to prove their claimed skills with evidence.

Help them get hired faster.

CareerPrepped - Talent Developers - Help them get hired faster

Let your skilled talent discover opportunities they may not have known existed with our AI-driven Job Match tool. It scours thousands of job sites to find personalized job matches based on their preferences and goals.

With our Job Tracker tool, they can save the jobs they like, keep track of company contacts, and take notes on their progress. They can track every step of the way from applying to getting a job offer.

Adopted by hundreds of career and technical education institutions.

Leverage CareerPrepped as a “hands-free” platform and give instant access to your students, graduates, alumni, and job seekers.

Optionally integrate any of our tools in your programs and services using our institutional support resources.

Elevate and scale your career support services today!
Unlock the power of CareerPrepped's Toolkit.

  • Career Site
  • Resume Builder
  • Job Match
  • Job Tracker
  • Interview Prep Video Library
  • Career Portfolio
  • Skill Builders for Essential Skills
  • Skill Badges for Essential Skills
  • Skill Feedback & Ratings
  • Skill Endorsements & Testimonials

CareerPrepped has been endorsed by premier career education associations, accrediting bodies, and state agencies to facilitate career readiness, work-based learning, and skills-based hiring.

Michael Connet

“CareerPrepped is destined to become a critical part of preparing the nation's learners for the world of work, with a rich set of workforce readiness tools and an environment that allows learners and potential employers to connect.”

Michael Connet
Associate Deputy Executive Director
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)